# of watchers: 83
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2010-08-07 [Chimes]: I remember that too, you weren't dreaming.
2010-08-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: to be honest i hate the current entrance image, it don't really feel as welcoming as the old once, or at least that's my opinion....
2010-08-07 [Flisky]: I am getting pretty sick of the same image for...I'm not sure how long...
2010-08-07 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: Laughing /AT/ you is just much more satisfying, [Viking]. No hard feelings, right?
2010-08-07 [Cia_mar]: i liked the other images that rotated as well!
2010-08-08 [Viking]: =/
I could understand that coming from [Triola], since she's my mortal enemy, but you wound me with such a comment!
2010-08-08 [hanhepi]: *comforts viking*
you want i should release the serpents on her?
2010-08-08 [kay-chan]: Snakes... why'd it have to be snakes?
2010-08-08 [Chimes]: INDIANA JONES! :D
2010-08-08 [Viking]: Yes! Release the serpents!
2010-08-08 [hanhepi]: *releases giant serpents*
2010-08-08 [Teufelsweib]: *makes handbags out of the giant serpents*
2010-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: *writes on vorkje's serpent bag, claiming it as her own... because she can* :P
2010-08-08 [Lothuriel]: Snakes are bad but, bears are worse.
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: release the kraken
2010-08-08 [Teufelsweib]: fuck squee, you got me there :P
2010-08-08 [twitchboy]: Release CHUCK NORRIS!
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: release the kraken is a quote from my favourite youtube show^^'
2010-08-08 [Falx]: Release the mongooses... er.. mongeese... er... Release many of the mongoose!
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: kraken is more kick as tho
2010-08-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: Realease... demon boy imp kraken thing? lol
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol
2010-08-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: *release
oy stupid typos lol
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got what you meant^^'
2010-08-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol sorry
2010-08-08 [Eyden13]: Wow, there's getting to be a lot of people
2010-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: Ah vorkje, remember the days where we used to pwn each other *tear*
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: have anyone read the house of night series?
2010-08-08 [Anvikit]: @[Eyden13] I know I wish it was thought to put them all in alphabetical order haha!
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: @[Anvikit] why not start now? the once that have already signed up can help you if you just put up the alphabetic order we that hae signed up can just move our names to the right letter
2010-08-08 [Alexi Ice]: We should ask the owner
2010-08-08 [Eyden13]: I agree. If Chime's says it's okay I'll help, but we do need to see if it's okay.
And I've read the Series Yume
2010-08-08 [Anvikit]: Agreed.. I just like order in chaos hehe..
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool eyden, i started reading the series about a month ago but had barely had time to read so i'm only on hunted atm^^'
2010-08-08 [Eyden13]: The books are good, but to my opninon the farther you go P.C. Cast just draws things out to long.
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: maybe, but i like long book series they keep me occupied and i don't need to wonder what's the next series i want to read^^' have you read shiver by maggie steifvater or fallen by lauren kate?
2010-08-08 [Eyden13]: I've read both. I really like fallen
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: me too and i agree i love fallen so much i can't wait till next book. have you read a book called hush,hush? i don't know who the author is i'm afraid, if you have do you reccomand it?
2010-08-08 [Eyden13]: If you liked Fallen you'd like hush hush. Just becare full that you don't get Hush, Hush: An Irish Princess. They're two different books
2010-08-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well i know how the hush hush cover look like so no worries there but thanx for warning me about it^^
2010-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: oh Squee, where dit those times go?D: we made so many rediculous wikis and had the most horrible convo's through our moods xP
2010-08-09 [Chimes]: @everyone about the alphabetical order thing: You can do it if you really want to buuuut I might change the organisation at some point when I work out which way would be best according to what's going on in my brain. :P Feel free.
2010-08-09 [Hiro Kitaki]: eh?
2010-08-09 [Yncke]: How about in order of joining?
2010-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: I'm going to go find these wikis!!!
2010-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: Pwnage !!!!
2010-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: squee(vork)
teh squee's funeral
Vorkies funeral
The can't-ies
And many more!!
Haha I just found the council boobies page xD
2010-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
2010-08-09 [Chimes]: @[Yncke]: That's what it's in now. :P
@[Ghost the Hybrid]: Don't worry about it. :P Just some of the usual craziness.
2010-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: hahahaha oh goodness xD I wish I still had as much spare time as I did back then!
2010-08-09 [Viking]: If yous insist on changing the order on this page, I request to placed at #16 regardless of whether or not that's where my name would end up in the new ordering.
2010-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: in that case, I call dibs on #23
2010-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: and i'd call #13:P
2010-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: Me too vorkje! What fun we had!! *goes off to hunt for more*
I claim #7!!!
2010-08-09 [Yncke]: @[Chimes]: Order of joining Elftown, I mean. That way, all the 7 year vets of today won't have to change their description next year. :)
2010-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: Digital Hair Dying - where vorkje and I met!!
Council Member Streaking
council member humping
2010-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree with [Yncke] to keep us in the year order as we joined elftown
2010-08-09 [Chimes]: That's a good idea. Wow. :D Maybe... if I have enough will power, I might.
2010-08-09 [~Valkyrie~]: Man power helps. :p I am sure there are plenty here who would help you.
2010-08-09 [*Phoenix*]: I wouldn't mind helping out either. :]
2010-08-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nither would i
2010-08-10 [Triola]: Just put up the years and people can slot themselves in, can't they?
2010-08-10 [~Valkyrie~]: That works too. :)
2010-08-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: uhu^^
2010-08-11 [*Phoenix*]: I think it would be easiest to categorize them as "2010, 2009, 2008, etc." that way you don't have to change every year.
Is this a go then?
2010-08-11 [Chel.]: That's a cool idea actually! The year one ^
2010-08-11 [Aeolynn]: why not just alphabetical?
2010-08-11 [Viking]: Bah, alphabetical is silly. We should order them based on name numerology. You know, like adding up the ordinal value of the letters (a=1, z=26). Of course, I'd be #16 on the list regardless.
2010-08-11 [Chel.]: O_O.......uhh no?
2010-08-11 [*Phoenix*]: Soooo.....is it a go or not?
2010-08-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ask the owner if it's ok
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: awww [Chimes], can I catagorize everything based on length of the username so you get a nice pyramid effect going on? and after that, based on color? :O
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: or order them based on how much I like them.
2010-08-11 [Triola]: Oooh, or based on plain stupidity. Like smartest on top, then stupider further down. [Viking] would still be nr. 16, of course.
2010-08-11 [Viking]: Of course. And [Teufelsweib] will be #23 and [Ghost the Hybrid] will be #13.
2010-08-11 [Chimes]: How could you do it based on colour? XD
Erm. There are so many different ideas floating around that I'm not sure which one people want. >.<; It is too much for my tiny little brain.
2010-08-11 [Triola]: I'm with [Viking] on numerology. Either that or alphabetically by pig latin name.
I.e. don't listen to me :P
2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: Do it by year, It's a lot more simpiler and more effective.
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: I have not figured out yet how I will do it by color, but Viking will be nr. 16 and I'll work from that way up...
or perhaps ask one of those people who think of a color when they read a word. no idea how you call that, but I'll let them sort it out.
I've also come up with the idea of sorting everyone based on what age they were when they joined ET. or what phase of the moon it was when they joined ET.
or taking the first letter of their real name, the first letter of their ET name and then pick the intermediate letter and sort them that way alphabetically
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: that would be a lot more simpler and effective.
2010-08-11 [Chimes]: *just blinks*
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: can I have a go?
2010-08-11 [Anvikit]: O_o
2010-08-11 [nehirwen]: It should clearly depend on what fruit they like.
2010-08-11 [sequeena_rae]: I better be #7!!!!!!
2010-08-11 [Chimes]: You can indeed. :P
2010-08-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: [Chimes] just do it after the year(and maybe month) that we joined elftown it's the simplest way and then no one can complain that they're added in the wrong section
2010-08-11 [Triola]: Vorkje, I love you <3 And the moon was a waxing crescent when I joined :D
2010-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: you actually looked it up <3 :'D (or remembered it somehow, but I doubt that)
2010-08-11 [Triola]: Google remembered it, which is practically the same thing >.> :D
2010-08-11 [Kuramasgirl]: I still like the year idea, myself. Seems easy enough, and there are plenty willing to help (including myself, if I can find the time). :3
Though the moon one's fun too. xD
2010-08-11 [zepher]: Weeeeeell... I don't consider myself really active...
2010-08-11 [Chimes]: List yourself anyway... to make it an even number. :P
2010-08-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i rarely log out of et:P
2010-08-12 [wicked fae mage]: I rarely log out too...*twiddle
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: So glad to find that I'm not the only one. *refreshes page...refresh
2010-08-12 [Eyden13]: Let's put it to a vote : I say by year
2010-08-12 [All_Most PUNK]: Oh, no! A change! I've been discovered!
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: *laughs* Year is a good idea.
2010-08-12 [Chel.]: Year.
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: I vote... lets all shut up about changing the order in which people are catagorized and leave it be because it doesn't really matter anyway! =D
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: It's a directory, Chimes said she was planning on categorizing names anyways.
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: exactly, on directory pages.
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Yerp. :P One day. When I can be bothered/have time.
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: oohhh in THAT case xPPP
2010-08-12 [hanhepi]: alphabetical is such a pain in the ass... partly because i have to sing the alphabet when i look for something alphabetically
2010-08-12 [Flisky]: Please not on the official pages. It's a pain in the arse to find people alphabetically
No, this page alphabetically is a great idea, but not the other pages.
2010-08-12 [*Phoenix*]: I vote by going by years! It sounds the easiest because then you don't have to change where you are at all. You can't change the day you entered ET. :P
2010-08-12 [Eyden13]: I'm confues ob what -[Flisky] wanted, but if we all are agreeing on the year should we just do that?
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Or you could just leave it for now since you've all put so many ideas forward that the owner (aka, me) needs to think about it some more. :P
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i think most of us agrees that sorting everyone by year is the best idea
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: @[Chimes] make a poll where we have some different choices to vote on but let us just vote for one of the options and see witch one wins
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Yes but: my wiki. :P I had an idea of how to sort it anyway... I just needed people to sign up first.
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh ok, i just wanted to make the suggestion
2010-08-12 [Eyden13]: Well then I guess we'll let it go for now and whene ever Chimes needs help Chimes will let us know
2010-08-12 [Viking]: I don't care how it's sorted. I just want to be #16.
In accordance with the prophecy.
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: There's a prophecy? :O
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: what prophecy?
2010-08-12 [Viking]: The prophecy.
2010-08-12 [Eyden13]: huh?
2010-08-12 [Thunder Cid]: Of course there is a prophecy.
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Oh, the prophecy. That makes all the difference. *nod*
2010-08-12 [wicked fae mage]: Everybody knows the prophecy is above all of our heads...*strok
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: can i hear THE prophecy?
2010-08-12 [All_Most PUNK]: So, we have a grand total of 72 active members.
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: seems like it
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: We have more, I'm pretty sure there're a few people I know who haven't signed their names :P
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: Well, I just added my boyfriend. He doesn't do much besides roleplaying, but he's active. At least he will be until January when he leaves for training for the Army.
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Why couldn't he add himself? Out of interest. :P
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Also there are more people watching than have listed themselves. Lurkers! List yourselves!
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i don that sometimes when i'm unsure if i wanna join a wiki
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: Because he doesn't really take interest in much on here aside from interesting people and roleplays. Besides, he's out today taking his ASVAB.
2010-08-12 [Thunder Cid]: ASVAB doesn't take forever, he still could have done it on his own time.
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: hedda isn't on here. it means he's inactive! it means.... WE HAVE NO LEADER ANYMORE!!! =D
*runs around nekkid and torches buildings* whoohoo! anarchy!
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: omg you're right about hedda:O also elftron isn't on there witch mean elftown is down:O
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: Ah but the fact you are commenting suggests the opposite, Yume. :P Unless Elftown now has a mind of its own.
2010-08-12 [sequeena_rae]: Who cares who puts who on the list.
Elftown has been declining in activity for years. I'm definitely not as active as I used to be.
2010-08-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know chimes i know it was just a bad joke about ppl saying that x is not on the list^^'
and it's the same for me [sequeena_rae] even if i do stay loged on all the time
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: logging into ET is more like a habit than that I actually do anything here xP well, except trolling... and occasional council-thingy
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: and the few people who try to take initiative by making a wiki with a pretty good idea (like the voila! wiki from [NOOOPE]) barely get any people contributing so it dies out quickly anyway.
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: and I got booze here which is called 'creme de cassis' and is cassis liquor but tastes like KID'S COUGHING SYRRUP and probably is the same stuff, only with a higher %
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: so I'm drunk and probably will regret posting this many comments tomorrow
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2010-08-12 [Teufelsweib]: perhaps next to listnig all active members there should be a list with awesome wikis which are still active so people know where to look?
2010-08-12 [Chimes]: A good idea. :]
2010-08-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I have a couple of wikis that I would love to have on a list like that.
2010-08-12 [sequeena_rae]: vorkje you slag. I remember the times I would drunken post on here lmao :P
2010-08-12 [Anvikit]: I am mostly a lurker.. I make art, so I upload my new stuff or things I'm working on in my house.. but most of the wikis that I used to get excited about.. art battles and the like, are all dead or on most likely indeffinate hiatus.. so I lurk..I'm not much of a roleplayer.. I just like the pretties.. so I bounce around the houses looking in the windows.. answering messages when people message me.. Wishing there were more artists who were still active here.. or that I at least knew where to look.. I'm super shy though.. so...
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: I really like the idea of adding a page were we list our wikis. And if we figure out why there isn't smuch to do maybe we can fix it? Why are people declining?
2010-08-13 [Chimes]: Anvikit, I watch your house. :P Your art is awesome. :]
2010-08-13 [Chimes]: Eyden, I think there's a lot to do, it's just people aren't doing it. :P
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: hmmm. Well we should all work together and motivate people. ohhh. Maybe create a motivation task force. ^-^
2010-08-13 [Top_Hatter]: ..... release the wikis?
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: does anyone know who dan brown/pogobat from youtube is?
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: oohhhhhhhhh its like a hub bub for intresting people!
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: he's doing something interesting, for a whole year he'll let his fans decide over his life
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: ..... oh i was on about the wiki, not the youtube thing. hahaha.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh ok sorry my bad^^'
2010-08-13 [Teufelsweib]: Squee, you should come online drunk more often.
but having a place where everyone just dumps their wikis would get very messy. you'd get a shitload of RP's with 3 members which die after a month or less anyway.
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Pluss if anyones intrested in RPing with anyone elce, they can just ask right? keeeps it simple and less cluttered.
2010-08-13 [Yncke]: @[Eyden13]: Art Wikis of Elftown is already a similar project.
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: I never even knew that existed. I'm going to have to check it out and see if I can help with it. Maybe we can use it to show people were all the awesomeness can be fiund. Well at least it's all food for thought.
2010-08-13 [Teufelsweib]: see, I mean making a list of such wikis :) they're great ideas, but nobody knows about their existence it seems.
2010-08-13 [Talos Cyrion]: maybe then this page could be used to further get the word out?
2010-08-13 [Nioniel]: Something like MC, perhaps, where members can list all of their contests or art pages...
I don't know what else members can put together to get the word out, all contest are advertised at MC and are featured on mainstreet, as are most if not all official competitions.
Art Wikis of Elftown pretty much covers the rest, right? And hasn't that wiki been featured already?
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: Art wiki's are just that art wikis. I think we should cover the rest. Like thinks like sinister minds of elftown and other such things.
@[Teufelsweib] if you need or want any help let me know!
2010-08-13 [Teufelsweib]: you're indicating with that that I'm making such a wiki. which I am not. I just came up with the idea, you guys can go crazy with it all you want :P
2010-08-13 [wicked fae mage]: art wikis of elftown for directing people to art wikis...
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: Coolio. Then I'll see what I can come up with!
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: so is this like where all the cool people hang out?
2010-08-13 [wicked fae mage]: I suppose you can look at it like that. The most of the active people are here, anyhow.
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: awesome! *hands out plates of cookies* Im Jo! and I like to bake.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm learning crochet atm does that count as something that i can put up? atm i'm making a rabbit
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: oooohhhh! I can only make aline so far, thats about as far as my crochet skills go.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm taking water over my head as they say here, the rabbit is an advanced piece to make but i wanted to make it anyway XD
2010-08-13 [Chimes]: Erm. Well. That depends are you going to share your crochetty goodness with Elftown in the form of a wiki or something? :P I think you'd be classed as a Crafter. :]
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'd like to put some pics in my house don't know if i'd put them on a wiki...well i would if there where a wiki for it
2010-08-13 [Chimes]: You could make your own? I know there's a craft wiki out there. (Lin, it would be a good time for you to jump in with a link if you're keeping track of the conversation. :P)
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm no good at wikis^^'
2010-08-13 [wicked fae mage]: I could help with wiki design, as could April. Just pretty it up with a few graphics from ET graphics and maybe have other craftsmen show their work...
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well the first question is: are there an existing wiki for crafts all ready?
2010-08-13 [Chimes]: Yes but I forget the link.
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ive not heard of any. I reckon you can put crafter on even if you dont have a wiki.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm just not sure if i'd call my self a craftsman....o
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: well, Crafter would avoid the title realy.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: still don't know if i'd like to call myself that
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Invent a new name for it. *laughs* do as you please.
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's more that i am a beginner when it comes to crochet^^' but i did find some cute patterns i wanna try out
2010-08-13 [Eyden13]: what is crocheting?
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: this is crotchet
it's also the patterns i'd love to make someday^^'
2010-08-13 [wicked fae mage]: *gasps and coos* The only thing better than the pokemon would be WoW races x)
2010-08-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Anyone want cake?
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: there's mario stuff too and also sonic and tails:P
2010-08-13 [wicked fae mage]: Awe x)
The inner geek is stirring at the thought...and I have pumpkin roll and apple pie
2010-08-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i so need to learn how to do crochet with an english pattern, is there anyone here that would be able to help me out?
2010-08-14 [Nioniel]: Is artisans' guild what you're thinking of? Not sure if I linked it rght, but you get the idea. ^^
2010-08-14 [Chimes]: Yes! That's it!
2010-08-14 [Chimes]: Okay... watcher 78, please sign up! ;_; I would like an even number. Otherwise my brain might implode. ;_; If you don't... then find me someone who will! D:
Number of comments: 672
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